Thursday, February 18, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dear Class:

Please open up your Week 1 warmup and type the handout by your computer. You will type the Week 1 warmup for 10 minutes. At the end of the ten minutes, I will ask you to verify that you have a 1 inch top margin and a footer. You will go to "tools", "word count", and check the number of lines you have. You will go into the document and type the number of lines you have at the bottom. Please print out and hand into the top tray that is on my desk.

We will do the quiz next. I will give you a couple of minutes to review and look at what I had posted previously. I will be "blanking" out your screens while you do the test. It consists of 26 questions. Fill out the answers and put your name at the top. When you are done, please hand it in on the top tray (on top of your warmups).

I want you to go to and take two five minute tests. At that time, I will be grading on technigue, which includes posture, fingering, hands, delete key use, slouching, feet, and looking at your hands.

Finally, we will finish the centering entitled "Months of the Year" and then move on to a centering which has two columns, a title, and subtitle. This will be "My Schedule".

Mr. Green-Hite

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