Thursday, March 4, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dear Class:

I am unable to be at school today. You have a substitute.

Please open up Warmup 3 and, from where you left off physically on the screen, please compose an answer to this question: "What would you do with a billion dollars?".

After you type for 10 minutes, please save week 3 and close it. Please open up a new document. I believe we may not have started a table entitled "Personal Acronyms". If we have, please finish it now. If not, then first, I want you to center the title and type in "Personal Acronyms" (all caps), return three times, and then I want you to go up to the menu, click "tables" and then go to "insert". You will create a table that has 2 columns and 15 rows. Please put the acronym in the left column and the actual meaning in the right column. For a sample of acronyms, you can go to the acronym sheet link.

Please center and put in a footer that has your name, the period, and the name of the document.

The substitute will be handing out a Centering Assignment that he will explain to you. It will have a title page and a table of contents and three documents.

Good luck!

Mr. Green-Hite

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